eRNDC Design Overhaul

User Experience

eRNDC Design Overhaul

Case Study: Enhancing the eRNDC Shopping Experience


Users faced significant challenges while shopping on eRNDC, leading to frustration and inefficiencies in finding products, understanding pricing, and navigating the site effectively.


We implemented a comprehensive redesign of the main navigation and key shopping pages, including search results and product detail pages, to improve usability and streamline the shopping experience.

Design Process

Stage 1: Empathize—Understanding User Needs

Our approach began with a deep dive into user research to uncover the core issues affecting the shopping experience:

  • User Research: We conducted moderated user studies with targeted buyers and customers, using video interviews to gather both qualitative insights and behavioral data.
  • Analytics and Stakeholder Feedback: We analyzed user behavior data and collected feedback from internal stakeholders to understand their perspectives on the current shopping experience.
  • Competitive Analysis: We evaluated competitors to identify industry standards and potential areas for improvement.
  • Outcome: This research allowed us to define clear success criteria and feature enhancements needed for the redesign.
Stage 2: Define—Identifying Core Problems

From our research, we pinpointed several critical issues:

  • Navigation Difficulties: Users struggled to find products, indicating a need for a more intuitive navigation structure.
  • Search Functionality: The existing search functionality was inadequate, leading to difficulties in product discovery.
  • Product Information Confusion: Users were unclear about product availability and pricing, areas where competitors had more effective solutions.

We employed user journey mapping, user flows, and persona creation to better understand these challenges and refine our problem statements.

Stage 3: Ideate—Exploring Innovative Solutions

We brainstormed and developed multiple design solutions to address the identified problems:

  • Sketches and Wireframes: Created initial sketches and wireframes to explore different layout and interaction concepts.
  • Design Prototypes: Developed both low and high-fidelity prototypes to visualize and test potential solutions.
Stage 4: Prototype—Developing and Testing Solutions

To validate our ideas, we created interactive prototypes:

  • Prototype Development: Produced scaled-down versions of the redesigned features to test and evaluate their effectiveness.
  • Experimentation: Iteratively refined prototypes based on feedback and usability testing to identify the most effective solutions.
Stage 5: Test—Refining Through Feedback

We rigorously tested the prototypes with users to gather feedback and make necessary adjustments:

  • Usability Testing: Conducted detailed usability tests to assess the performance of our designs.
  • Continuous Improvement: Utilized feedback, analytics, and observation to iteratively improve the design and address any remaining issues.


  • Enhanced Navigation: Implemented a more intuitive and user-friendly navigation system that streamlined the overall shopping experience.
  • Revamped Product Pages: Redesigned product detail pages to provide clear and accessible information, including alternate sizes, images, pricing, and specifications.
  • Improved Search Results: Redesigned search results pages with user-friendly filters and enhanced product cards, allowing users to more easily find and evaluate products.

This comprehensive redesign led to a significantly improved user experience, making it easier for customers to navigate the site, find products, and make informed purchasing decisions.

  • Date

    August 23, 2024

  • Skills

    UX, Figma, Prototyping

  • Client


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eRNDC Persona journey mapping